another pleasurable thing

let see what happen if they colaborate.and still colaborate until this blue year.

robin sure this will be our album cover

im sure we ready to rock heaven and hell. robin will be my accelerator to drill my no-way nasty voice to be increasingly better than b4,yeah..thanks to robinrudes dharma putra i give my two (ooh i have 4 ) thumbs up for him.
i would like to postpone the next song in my songlist,because we (honestly.ME) "hackin" arrange and finish bang bul song, its pleasure, bang bul is one of very good composer and robin is one of the very good in tone and sound maker,and i just trying to hook up my voice with the song.

i would like to show you all something,but the "thing" wasnt in my hand yet,i will out it down in here after i get that "thing".so holiday is over and its time to meet another boring and catch my self sleep at the back chair in the class, this is short semester,everyday of my doodle day will inconsistent until i meet another holiday.see ya on the next blog.



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